Friday, March 16, 2012

Why do you trade?

    This is my first blog post. Why did I start one? Well I have always thought about doing it but just never really had the time what with school, work and my son. I realized that there never is a perfect time for anything so I needed to just do it.

The other day someone asked me a very simple yet interesting question: why do you trade?

 That sounds like an easy question to answer yet I could not give a simple answer I just said because I like doing it.  After I was done talking with him and we went our separate ways I really sat back and thought about this question. I asked myself "why DO I trade?" What is it that drew me to the markets in the first place? Why am I not doing something else like being a doctor or lawyer nuclear physicists? k the last one is a stretch but hey anything is possible!

Once I started to think about this I thought about my regular full time job which is ....lets just call it sales. I have a boss, a team, quotas, rules , starting times and ending times, pretty much your typical job that most people have. I have never really known anything else since my 33 years of being on this planet. They tell you " go to school , get good grades so you can get a good job" so I did but not necessary in that order but never the less I have them.

Then there is the markets. The markets do not yell at you when you come in late they do not care what time you come there or even if you come at all. The markets do not call you and yell at you about how you are not making quotas  the market does not care as it has no quotas. The market is not nice to your face then talk behind your back once you leave. The market does not have good days or bad days, the people in the market may have but the market itself does not , it just has days. You can come to it everyday or none at all it is up to you. The market has no expectations of you or for you , you can take as much or as little from it that you desire. If you want to take your family on a vacation you do not have to ask the market for permission or ask it if you have enough sick does not care about you. Please tell me what other thing is like that?

In the end the market is just a thing that has no emotions , no expectations and no judgements which is exactly what it takes to be successful at it.

Till next time ,

Pip Meister.

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