Friday, April 6, 2012

It's a Marathon not a Sprint

When we were infants and first learning how to walk , even though we do not remember , we probably spent more time falling over then we did actual walking. The first time we fell over when trying to walk did we say to ourselves " well I guess this walking thing is not for me , guess I will crawl the rest of my life." Of course not! Ever time we fell down we would get discouraged but we would work up enough strength and then try again and again. No matter how many times we fell we eventually put one foot in front of the other continuously and then after a while of practice we were walking!

The same is true in trading. Often times , and I am guilty of this to , traders search for systems that others say they have used to make money. They like the way the system works , they pay for it or create it themselves then they put a trade on and they lose money.  They think to themselves that they were scammed or it will not work for them or the system just does not work at all so they give p and move on to the next system.

What many people do not realize is that no system , at lest none that I have ever come across, ever works 100% of the time.  Even if you have a system that shows it will work about 60% of the time that means that 40% of the time it will not work.  The problem is that you do not know when the 60% or the 40% will happen. It could be 6 winning trades in a row and 4 losing trades or a combination of the two. So what if the system you are currently using was experiencing one of the losing trades? What if had you kept using it a little longer you would have seen great success? Would you be mad at yourself for giving up on it ? Of course you would . In  this day and age our society is always looking for the quickest , easiest and cheapest way to get do anything what with our cell phones with internet , email , text messaging and such it is no wonder that people try a system and give up the first time it fails.

Being a successful trader is a marathon and not a sprint you just don't wake up one day and decide " I think I will be a successful trader from this point forward" That's like going to take your drivers test without ever learning how to drive a car first. Is it possible? Yes Is it probable? No. Sure winning the lottery is possible to but it is also not probable.

Success in anything takes time it is not something that happens overnight. They often say practice makes perfect and that repetition is the mother of skill. I would like to add something to that: perfect practice makes perfect skill you have to be practicing something the right way in order for it to actually work.

Good trading ,



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